Advanced School and Workshop on Soft Computing and Complex Systems
Students Short Paper Submission
- Dates:
- Students short papers submission: April 19, 2003
- Information about acceptance: April 30, 2003
- Submission Information For The International Workshop
- The
body of each submission should not exceed 2 pages. Papers must be
authored by research students and describe their research work, the
state of progress and their results. The Workshop is intended to
create a discussion forum among the participants in order to
stimulate new ideas for the work plan of the participants. Each
participant will make a short (15 minutes) presentation followed by
open discussion.
- Electronic submission
- Please submit papers via e-mail to
the e-mail message should include:
- As subject: SoftComplex paper submission
- In the Body (in plain text): the title of the paper names
and affiliations of the authors, the contact author's postal and
e-mail addresses, and phone number, and a one page abstract.
- As attachment: the submission, the file should be in
LaTeX, Postscript or PDF format.